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- Archive Collections2
- Artworks10
- Photographs186
- Part of Photograph Series...
- Āku Taumata Kōrero (1989) photograph collection 38
- 1966 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 33
- Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Festival 2021 21
- 1964 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 15
- 1965 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 13
- 1973 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 13
- 1967 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 12
- 1972 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 11
- 1963 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 6
- 1962 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 5
- 1969 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 4
- 1974 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 4
- 1971 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 3
- 1975 - Gifford-Cross Photographic Series 3
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- Mauao 179
- Hikurangi 2
- Mauao 1
- Tawhiti-nui-a-Paoa 1
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- Ngāti Ranginui 186
- Ngāi Te Rangi 5
- Ngaiterangi 1
- Ngāti Porou 1
- Ngāti Te Wai 1
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- Ngāi Tamarāwaho 51
- Pirirākau 41
- Ngāti Hangarau 35
- Ngāi Te Ahi 26
- Ngāti Kahu 4
- Ngāi Tūwhiwhia 3
- Ngāti Tauaiti 3
- Ngai Tamarāwaho 1
- Ngāi Te Ahi 1
- Ngāi Te Rangi 1
- Ngāi Tūkairangi 1
- Ngāti Pango 1
- Ngāti Rangi 1
- Ngāti Te Wai 1
- Te Whānau-a-Iritekura 1
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- Hūria 45
- Peterehema (Hangarau) 32
- Hairini 23
- Tutereinga 21
- Tamatea Pokaiwhenua 7
- Tawhitinui 7
- Poututerangi 6
- Paparoa 5
- Ranginui 4
- Kahu Tapu 3
- Opureora 3
- Peterehema 2
- Tuapiro 2
- Hangarau 1
- Iritekura 1
- Tūtereinga 1
- Wairoa 1
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- Publication Collections4
- Publications10
- Stories - Events1
- Stories - Organisations1
- Stories - People2
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