Tauranga Gliding Club moments in history
Before Pae Korokī and Papers Past, the New Zealand Room librarians would note topics of interest in an alphabetised card catalogue, this is their selection of Tauranga Gliding Club stories from the Bay of Plenty Times and other sources.
1968 - Gliding Club mentioned in supplement for opening of sealed runway, 5 April 1968.
1974 - Gliding. Bay of Plenty Mirror, 20 February 1973, p. 14.
1976 - Tauranga man gets award - Noel Johnson. 23 November 1976.
1978 - Accident sparked formation of club. Chance to try gliding. Bay of Plenty Times, 28 February 1978.
1980 - Glider reaches 14,500 feet. 21 November 1980, p. 1.
1981 - National competition - Mr Scholes takes part. 13 January 1981, p. 1.
1981 - Gliders will fly from new home. 19 December 1981, p. 5.
1982 - Club will soar to new heights. Bay of Plenty Times, 11 December 1982, p. 7.
1983 - Gliding club opens new quarters at airport. Bay of Plenty Times, 21 March 1983, p. 6.
1985 - Roy Russell writes book on 50 years of gliding. Bay of Plenty Times, 7 December 1985.
1986 - Open day gives history. Bay Sun, 22 March 1986.
1993 - Motor gives aircraft the means to launch itself. Bay News, 24 February 1993, p. 3.
1995 - Gliding to the top of the world - John Roake organises 24th World Gliding Championship. Bay of Plenty Times, 25 February 1995, p. 37.
1997 - Gliding pioneers take to skies. Foundation members of Tauranga Gliding Club take birthday flight, including Ron Oliver and Trevor Oliver. Bay of Plenty Times, 22 September 1997.
1999 - New lift for Bay glider pilots. Bay of Plenty Times, 27 March 1999.
1999 - Gliding Club honours stalwart, Gavin Meadows. Bay of Plenty Times, 28 August 1999.
1999 - Tow pilot flies into club record books - Gordon Scholes. Bay of Plenty Times, 15 December 1999.
2000 - Tauranga's oldest teen takes to the skies. 95 year old Arthur Stubbs. Bay of Plenty Times, 25 January 2000.
A selection of historic images of gliders in Pae Korokī:
Tauranga Gliding club’s new Slingsby Skylark sailplane with MR J. H. Roake at the controls, December 1960.
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gca-236
Tauranga Gliding Clubs towing plane, Gliding Championships, March 1963.
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gcc-660
Norman Murray (President) and Dr. Frank Sligo (Patron) standing outside Tauranga Gliding Club's new mobile headquarters, November 1964
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gca-7742
Tauranga Gliding Club members assemble glider at Tauranga airport, October 1965.
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gcc-11143
Gliding Club's new Bocian glider, January 1965
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gca-8363
Gliding Club's hangar, July 1967
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gca-16773
Gliding Club awards. Photograph taken for magazine number 86 of the Bay of Plenty Photo News, 26 July 1969
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries, Logan Publishing, Tauranga and Bay of Plenty Photo News Collection Photo pn-3456
Sea cadet Richard Wards with a glider. Cadets from T. S. Chatham were taken for a 20 minute glider flight by members of the Tauranga Gliding Club from the Belk Road airfield, June 1972.
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gca-20601