Datec. 1950sReference NumberPhoto 04-480DescriptionA cropped print from Whites Aviation (WA-36460-F). Mangatawa, showing the terraces of the pā and the quarry, taken 15 November 1954 by Whites Aviation . Rangataua estuary and Matapihi are in the background of image. FormatPrintPhysical Descriptionblack and white printSource of AcquisitionWhites Aviation, AucklandPhotographer/CreatorWhite, Leo Lemuel, 1906-1967
Asset Location
RoomClimate controlled room - offsite
Kaitiakitanga StatementPlease use taonga Māori materials provided by Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries appropriately. This includes being respectful and mindful of the creator/s, as well as the mana and dignity of people, iwi and hapū group/s, and the environmental subjects depicted in the material.Cultural/Ethical StatusNoaRestrictionsNo cultural/ethical restrictions apply. However, copyright may apply.CopyrightAlexander Turnbull LibraryLicenseCC BY 4.0AcknowledgementTe Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo 04-480