Datec. 1900sReference NumberPhoto 07-188DescriptionOn the Kaituna river, upstream from Paroa flax mill, summer 1907-08. On bank in foreground, Mrs Paterson in white blouse, and Mary Potiki. On launch, back from left, Dan Mc Ewen, Agnes Paterson, Madge Mc Ewen; front, Jennie with dog [?], Bill, Hope [?], Jack Potiki. [Note: these names taken from handwritten sheet accompanying photo, which is very hard to interpret. Names of people on launch may not accurately correspond. Also on handwritten sheet: 'The roof of the engine shed with funnel barely visible in on reverse side, behind scraggy centre trees in background. Note the width of the Kaituna River'. ] FormatPrintPhysical Descriptionblack and white printSource of AcquisitionAlister Matheson
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Roomoriginal not held
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