Boddington, Huia Duncan, 55, an electrical repair business owner and former inspector for the Poverty Bay Electric Power Board, husband of Eleanor.
Cartmer, Leonard John James, 46, a Senior Meat Inspector for the Department of Agriculture.
Cooney, Shelia Maureen, 38, a legal secretary from Grey Street, Tauranga.
Enchmarch, Leonard Derek, 35, a captain, married with three daughters.
Flyger, Graham Clifford Frederick, 22, a sales representative for Berlei (NZ) Ltd.
Goddard, Edward Lionel, 37, General Manager of General Foods in Auckland, married with four children.
Grace, Tuta Hongara, 20, a Royal New Zealand Navy serviceman on leave to attend his nephew's funeral.
Gray, William Bruce, 35, an architect on business travel, father of two daughters.
Hardley, John Russell, 31, employed by ICI (NZ), married with two children.
Kissel, Peter George Guinness, 39, First Officer, married with three children.
Lewis, Herbert Edward, 66, an electrician traveling with William to a job in Tauranga.
Long, Gavin Andrew, 27, employed by Aluminium Distributors Ltd, married with two children, and one child on the way
Morris, Norman Geoffrey, 30, involved in the family's clothing business, Melbourne Cash Ltd, married with three children.
Pullum, Frederick Charles, 43, traveling on business for the refrigeration and air conditioning department of Jas. J. Niven and Co. Ltd, married with two children.
Seymour, Sarah Te Taumiria, 27, a nurse flying home from Australia to her family in Gisborne, on her birthday.
Smith, John, 42, a Sales Manager for Wilson and Horton, married with three children.
Taylor, Diane Veronica, 27, visiting a sister in Rotorua, mother of two.
Taylor, Leslie Frederick, 48, on a business trip for the refrigeration and air conditioning department of Jas. J. Niven and Co. Ltd, married with one daughter.
Tolerton, Frederick, 81, former Gisborne City Councillor and Deputy Mayor, husband of Ruth.
Tolerton, Ruth, 58, wife of Frederick.
Wilson, Elizabeth Jill Louise, 22, a flight hostess.
Woodger, Kenneth John, 40, General Manager of Lift Slab Australasia Ltd, married with five children.
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Tauranga City Libraries - Harley Couper, Casualties of the 1963 Kaimai Air Disaster. Pae Korokī, accessed 13/02/2025,