Publications | Pae Korokī

Pae Korokī - Publication Collections
Tauranga Moana Māori Trust Board Collection
A collection of books from the Tauranga Moana Māori Trust Board at Tauranga City Libraries.
The Tauranga Moana Māori Trust Board was established in 1981 in accordance with the Māori Trust B...
Wai 215 - Research Reports: Waitangi Tribunal Tauranga Moana Claims
92 research reports in the Wai 215 Waitangi Tribunal Tauranga Moana Claims
Logan Publishing Tauranga and Bay of Plenty Photo News Collection
The Photo News magazine was published in seven regions throughout Aotearoa. With its strong photographic emphasis driven by local events and everyday locals, it was very popular. The local magazi...
Journal of the Tauranga Historical Society (1955-1982)
The Journal of the Tauranga Historical Society was first published in March 1955 and merged with Historical Review (1956-), a Whakatane & District Historical Society publication in 1982. Through ...
John Aramete Wairehu Steedman Collection
A collection of books written by John Steedman at Tauranga City Libraries.
Tākitimu: The waka and its people in Tauranga
Tākitimu: The waka and its people in Tauranga written by Gregory Tata
Tauranga Moana Māori Obituaries c1866-1920
An extensive 182 page document consisting of hundreds of obituaries pertaining to approx 470 tipuna from Tauranga Moana.
District Electors' roll for the Borough of Tauranga
Selected District Electors' rolls from Tauranga Borough Council.
Celebrating 100 Years of Innovation and Excellence
Created in 2014 by the Bay of Plenty District Health Board and available here with their permission
Māori Fisheries Issues: Guide to sources in government archives since 1840 draft
A 493 page report constructed like an index to all the primary resources relating to Māori fisheries issues in New Zealand from 1840 stored in government archives and private collections.
The 6th Hauraki Battalion Association Newsletters (1995-2012)
In 1995 the first Official Newsletter of the 6 Battalion (Hauraki) Regimental Association was sent out.
The Barry Leabourn Collection
Barry Leabourn has written a number of sporting articles and publications, generously making some of these available on the former Tauranga Memories website (2011-2021) and now on Pae Korokī: Ta...
Tauranga Memories (2011-2021) - Publications
Tauranga Memories was a collaborative website run by Tauranga City Libraries from 2011 to 2021.
Western Bay of Plenty Street Names
Published as a series of weekly articles in the Bay of Plenty Times from August 1994 to September 1995, these were originally researched and written by the late Jinty Rorke, former archivist at T...
Observations on the State of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of New Zealand (1859)
[centre]F. D. FENTON
NOTE. -- The object of the publication by the Government of this Paper is to draw attention to the state of th...