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Contribute | Pae Korokī

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Welcome to our donate/contribute page. Here, you will find all the information you need to start sharing items with us - whether you want to contribute something via Pae Korokī, or officially add something to our archive.

What is the difference between a donation, a deposit and a contribution?

The existence of the library archives is thanks to the generosity of local individuals and organisations who have chosen to donate, deposit or contribute items over the past 50 years. If you would like to help us continue to share the rich history of Tauranga Moana, and develop our collections, you can choose from the following options:

Make a deposit:

When items are deposited with us, the items are added to our archive but the legal title is retained by the depositor. This means Tauranga City Libraries become the guardians of the items. Depositors formalise this arrangement by signing a memorandum of understanding. It is important to note that this arrangement is rare and only considered if making a donation is not appropriate.


Make a donation:

When items are donated to us, legal title is transferred to Tauranga City Libraries and the items added to our archive. This means Tauranga City Libraries become the owners of the items. Donors formalise this transfer of ownership by signing a deed of gift.

Make a contribution:

Items that are contributed to Tauranga City Libraries are displayed on Pae Korokī but they do not become part of our archive. Contributors formalise this arrangement by agreeing to a set of terms and conditions when they sign-up as members. Members also decide how their content can be re-used by choosing an appropriate creative commons license.


Sometimes, a donation may start its life as a contribution. In these cases, a member of our team will contact the contributor directly to ask whether they would consider turning their contribution into a donation.


How to contribute your items

There are many ways you can contribute to Pae Korokī — each of these is described here. View the community contribution rules here.


To make a contribution, click on the relevant button below:



Tell us:

How to donate or deposit your items

The library is always keen to receive archive material. If you have something you would like to donate, or deposit, just email In our reply, we will ask you to provide specific information about your item(s). This will enable us to check whether your material meets our collecting guidelines. If it does, we will get back in touch to organise the next steps: signing the relevant paperwork and transferring the material to the library.

When it comes to digital material, we can offer advice on file formats and specifications for making copies. Some of these specifications are outlined in the “How to Contribute” section below.

Please see our FAQs for more information about the deposit/donation process.    07 577 7177    Tauranga City Libraries, 21 Devonport Road, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand