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FAQs | Pae Korokī

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Frequently Asked Questions



For more than 40 years, Tauranga City Libraries has collected, preserved and shared the history of this area through an extensive archive collection. Our region has a rich and varied history: from early Māori voyagers, to European settlers that spans the coastline of the Western Bay of Plenty. Now, we want to share these stories with you digitally through Pae Korokī. Content available on our site comprises:

  • Written interpretation about people, places, organisations and events.
  • Material from our collections: archives, images, maps, publications and audio/visual.


Some of this content was originally shared on a digital-storytelling knowledge-basket called “Tauranga Memories Kete”.


Pae Korokī not only allows our content to be more easily found and accessed, but also protects and preserves our digital assets for future generations, communities, and stakeholders. Our records are now digitally preserved via an archival monitoring, migration and backup system which also monitors our content and keeps it up to date with current and future formats. Pae Korokī is here to be enjoyed and contributed to by our community.


What happened to the content from the Tauranga Memories Kete site?


The Tauranga Memories Kete was online from 2012 through to 2021. Most of the content, including photographs and articles,  was migrated across to Pae Korokī. You can search from our home page to find the content, though sites like Google will also discover our content. Sometimes the migation looks a little off, with missing hyperlinks and photographs, but we will keep improving these over time. There is, however, often a link to an archived version as it appeared on Tauranga Memories. Some content has not yet been migrated over due to copyright or privacy restrictions. Please contact us on if you need assistance with finding content that was previously published on the Tauranga Memories Kete.


What types of stories do you have?


  • Events - Events are very significant in the history of our city. Our stories about events include the Battle of Gate Pā at Pukehinahina (29 April 1864), Ranui Sinking (28 December 1950), Bay of Plenty Flooding (18 May 2005) and Rena Disaster (5 October 2011).
  • People - Stories are about people, whether notable or ordinary. Some of our stories about people include Hēnare Wiremu Taratoa c. 1830-1864, Kimi Ngātai 1904-1989, George Vesey Stewart 1861-1892 and Daisy Alice Hardwick 1905-1989.
  • Places - Places in Tauranga Moana such as marae, buildings past and present, suburbs, streets and parks help to tell the story of our changing landscape. Some of our stories about places include Te Rereatukāhia, Tauranga Town Hall (1916-1987), Ōtūmoetai, Cameron Road, Taumata-Kahawai (Monmouth Redoubt), the Old Post Office (est. 1906) and Herries Arch.
  • Organisations - Organisations including iwi, hapū, businesses, schools, clubs and community groups are important to our shared history. Some of our stories about organisations include Ngāti Ranganui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Pūkenga, the Spring Well Brewery, Tauranga Women’s Bowling Club, the Bay of Plenty Racing Club and Tauranga District High School (1907-1946).
  • Articles – These are longer topic-based articles that refer to a mix of events, people, places and organisations, and link to items in our collections.


What types of collections do you have?
  • Archives - Our archives collection contains works relevant to the local area and has proved to be of great value to researchers. They include diaries, letters, and other records of Bay of Plenty families, businesses, churches, clubs and organisations.
  • Images - Our image collection dates back to the 1860s and are many and varied. Several decades of the Bay of Plenty Times are online as the Gifford Cross Collection. Those who remember the Photo News will also find great photographs from the late 1960's. Other collaborations include The Elms Foundation6th Battalion (Hauraki) Regiment, the 2013 Mount Maunganui Primary School Centenary,  as well as many events and architecture collections from locals such as yourselves. The collection keeps growing and you can contribute photographs you've taken as well.   
  • Maps - We have a substantial collection of over 450 maps in our collection. We also have charts of Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour from the mid-1800s amongst other treasures.
  • Audio Visual - Our collection of audio-visual material contains oral histories that have been recorded over several years. Our most recent oral history undertaking was ‘Threads of Memory’ a WW100 commemoration project to record people's memories of their World War I ancestor. People from the local community came into the library during the week of 20 to 24 April 2015 to talk about their ancestor who served during wartime.
  • Publications – The library cares for many publications that are rare or have a limited print run. For example, District Electors’ Rolls and The Journal of Tauranga Historical Society. Pae Korokī enables us to make these dificult-to-access publications available to a wider audience.


Who administers the site?


Pae Korokī is managed by the Heritage and Research Team at Te Ao Mārama ki Te Papa Tauranga City Library.



Who is doing the work?


Our Heritage and Research team are working hard to describe and enrich the photographs, documents, audio recordings, video footage and stories on Pae Korokī. We also have a group of volunteers that are helping to transcribe some of our documents, so this content becomes accessible to all.



Where does the content come from?


Some of the content on Pae Korokī comes from members of the local community keen to see their own items preserved and enjoyed by others. Most of the content, however, comes from the rich resource that is Ngā Wāhi Rangahau Research Collections at Te Ao Mārama ki Te Papa Tauranga City Library. Material in our collections is often fragile, but by digitising the original and sharing a copy with you, these primary sources are preserved for future generations.



Who owns the content I upload?


Contributors retain ownership of the content they upload to Pae Korokī. Once uploaded, this content is available for everyone to see and interact with.



Who owns the copyright of content I upload?


If you want to contribute content to Pae Korokī, you must be the copyright holder, or the material you contribute must be out of copyright. Documents and images created before 1944 are usually out of copyright in New Zealand, but this is not the whole story. If you’re unsure, this guide might help:


Contributors also retain copyright. If you are the copyright holder, you will retain copyright. You will be prompted to select one of the following creative commons licenses when you make your contribution:

  • Freely used by anyone
  • Used by anyone for non-commercial purposes
  • Can't be used without my permission

We will ask for you contact details to be displayed if you don’t want the item to be freely used. This is so customers can contact you directly for permission.



What if I think content needs to be changed or removed from the site?


If you think something on our site needs changing, you have a few options:

  1. Suggest an edit: When you log into our site and view an item, a pencil icon will appear ae the top corner of the left-hand panel. You can click on this and edit any of the fields. For example, “Title”, “Description”, Date”, … At the bottom of this page, you can also leace a comment in the box provided. After you click the “Save” button, our team will receive a message outlining your suggested edit.
  2. On every page there is a Contact us about this option (an envelope icon) which you can use to send a message. This gives us a link directly to the page that you wish to discuss.
  3. If you are logged in as a member you can add a Recollection (comment) directly onto the page and tell us your version.
  4. We can also be reached via email: We are always adding information to our site to grow the catalogue and love seeing comments or information added by visitors.

If you’d like to something removed from our site, please refer to our takedown policy.



I can see metadata for an item, but can’t view the item on Pae Korokī?


If you find items that you want access to (but they are not available for download), it means that there is a restriction on the item. You may be able to come into the library to view it, unless there have been restrictions placed on access by the copyright holder. For some items, you may need written permission from the copyright holder to view the item.



How do I reset my password?


If you have forgotten your password, simply go to the registration screen and look below the login boxes to Forgotten your password? Click on Reset it here and enter the email address you registered with. We'll reset your password and email you a new one right away.


Why can’t I get onto Recollect?


This may be due to your mobile broadband connection. Some things you can try are:

  • Turn off your PC or laptop. Shut down your device and disconnect from it,
  • Check the SIM card is correctly inserted in the device,
  • Turn on your PC or laptop on,
  • Once the software is running, connect your Mobile Broadband device,
  • Wait for it to detect your device and establish a signal, and attempt to connect again,
  • If your device does not connect, note the bars of coverage showing in the software. If there are less than 2 bars you may not be able to reliably connect,
  • Check your 3G or 4G coverage.




If you require assistance, please check the other online guides on Pae Korokī or contact Te Ao Mārama ki Te Papa Tauranga City Library:

Phone: 07 577 7177    07 577 7177    Tauranga City Libraries, 21 Devonport Road, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand