Date1963DescriptionAcknowledgement Laurie Sanders. Photograph of the buildings at the southern end of the Strand, Tauranga which were on the area known as The Triangle. This photo was taken by Laurie Sanders either in or after 1963 given that parking meters were starting to be installed in 1963 in Tauranga and Peter Sander”s (father) white Mark 3 1963 model Ford Zephyr is parked outside the building marked “Land Agents” to the left of the building. Peter Sanders was a Real Estate Agent from about 1959 to almost 2000. All in Tauranga. The photo also shows Bernie Judd”s TV and Radio shop Gilmore Rodgers shop and the old Triangle Clock.
Please note:
Originally uploaded to the Tauranga Memories website (2011-2020), into the Tauranga Local History basket, or focus group, by Tauranga City Libraries staff (Harley Couper), on September 08, 2014.
Its original URL was: and its original license was: Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License.
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