The 6th Hauraki Battalion Association Newsletters (1995-2012)
Collection SummaryIn 1995 the first Official Newsletter of the 6 Battalion (Hauraki) Regimental Association was sent out.DescriptionNineteen people attended the inaugural meeting of the '6 Battalion (Hauraki) Regimental Association' on the 23 July 1995. At this meeting the association was formed, a constitution written, a committee elected and a subscription set. The objectives of the Association were set out in the constitution drawn up at that first meeting. There are eight objectives listed and in summary they state the Association aims to promote the interests, traditions and mana of the Battalion, foster fellowship amongst past and present members of the Battalion; organise social functions and reunions and foster the development of the Battalion History room, its contents and records (from the inaugural Hauraki News).
In 2013 the association lent a set to Tauranga City Libraries spanning from 1995 to 2012 in order to have them posted on the library's online heritage platform (then Tauranga Memories). These are presented here under the "Publications" below.
The Hauraki News continues to be produced and is available on the association's website at the link below.
A separate publication, published by the battalion itself, is the Kia Kaha. During 2015 Major (retired) Russell Skeet provided digital copies of some of the Battalion's "Kia Kaha" newsletter. Explaining the difference between the Kia Kaha and the Hauraki News he writes:
"Kia Kaha was the newsletter of the 6th (Hauraki) Battalion Group (6 Hau), i.e. the Territorial Force Volunteer (N.Z.D.F.) unit, whereas the Hauraki News is the newsletter of the 6th Hauraki Regimental Association - an organisation set up to support the 6 Hau unit. I was a soldier and officer of 6 Hau for about 28 years, and for a short time before my contract ended I was editor of the Kia Kaha newsletter. This newsletter was started sometime around 2000 and was, before I took over from her in 2002, edited by Julia Banks, wife of Lt Col Warren Banks, former Commanding Officer of 6 Hau."