Wai 215 - Research Reports: Waitangi Tribunal Tauranga Moana Claims
Date1995 to 2014Collection Summary92 research reports in the Wai 215 Waitangi Tribunal Tauranga Moana ClaimsDescriptionResearch reports within the Wai 215 - Combined Record of Inquiry for the Tauranga Moana claims. The 92 research reports in this collection were written by various researchers commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal: Te Rōpu Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi. This collection consists of historical, social impact, land confiscation, and alienation reports within the Tauranga Moana region.
Most of these reports are also available on the Waitangi Tribunal website.
Tauranga City Libraries has the entire Wai 215 - Combined Record of Inquiry for the Tauranga Moana claims available for viewing in He Puna Wānanga - the Research Collections area within He Puna Manawa, Tauranga Central Library.
Ngāti Ranginui Deed of Settlement Signing with the Crown at Te Ranga 21 June 2012
Image Copyright Lee Switzer
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