Datec. 1918Reference NumberPhoto 99-1296DescriptionThe Strand Tauranga taken from the Victoria Wharf, showing the Triangle buildings and the waterfront including the seawall c1918 Message on reverse:4 pubs here. Must be thirsty people. FormatPrintPhysical Descriptionblack and white printSource of AcquisitionLewis, Phyllis
Asset Location
RoomClimate controlled room - offsite
Kaitiakitanga StatementWe ask that, in addition to normal copyright and privacy considerations, users of our heritage resources uphold the mana and dignity of the people, communities and places depicted within.Cultural/Ethical StatusNoaRestrictionsNo cultural/ethical restrictions apply.CopyrightNo known copyrightAcknowledgementTe Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo 99-1296