Opening of new wharenui at Te Rereatukahia marae, 1969 (Event)
SummaryThe opening of the new Tamawhariua wharenui at Te Rereatukahia marae in Katikati on 11 January 1969.Main Body
On 11 January 1969, Labour Party Māori MP for Eastern Māori, Paraone Brown Reweti and Chairman of Tauranga County Council, Clarence Aeldred Moore opened the new Tamawhariua wharenui at Te Rereatukahia marae in Katikati alongside many of the hau kainga in attendance.
The new wharenui was built by Tipene Walters and Alex Taylor, supplier of some of the materials alongside others. Hughie Hunter was the secretary/ treasurer of the marae committee at the time.
Elisha Rolleston, Opening of new wharenui at Te Rereatukahia marae, 1969 (Event). Pae Korokī, accessed 17/01/2025,