Covenant of Indenture 1889
DescriptionAcknowledgement Bruce Laurie (Grandson of AD Blair). The text of this Covenant is below (may contain some errors), to see a digitised copy of the original click the download link above. A high quality original scan is held within the Tauranga City Libraries Digital Collection (Retrospect).
Apprentice indenture
Dated 14 January, 1889
for four years
(page one)
Copy of apprenticeship indenture.
This indenture made the 14th day of January 1889 between Andrew Blair aged sixteen years a native of New Zealand now residing at Dunedin New Zealand of the first part and Peter James Hughes of Dunedin New Zealand Captain of the second part and John Blair schoolmaster of Otago New Zealand of the third part witnesses that the said Andrew Blair hereby voluntarily binds himself apprentice with the said Peter James Hughes the executors administrator and assigns for the term of four years from that date hereof for and the said apprentice hereby covenants that during such time the said apprentice will faithfully serve his said master his executors administrators and assigns and obey his lawful commands and keep his secrets and will when required give to him true account of his goods and money which may be committed to the charge or come into the hands of the said apprentice and will in case the said apprentice enters her majesty's service during the said term duly account for and pay or cause to be paid to his said master his executives administrators or ASSIGNS all such wages prize money and other moneys as may become payable to said apprentice for such services and that the said apprentice will not during the said term do any damage to his said master his executors or administrators or assigns nor will he consent to any such damage being done by others but will if possible prevent the same and give warning thereof and will not endanger(sp?) or caste the goods of his master is executors or administrators or assigns nor give all the end of the same to others without his licence nor absent himself from his service without leave nor frequent taverns or ale houses unless upon his business nor play at unlawful games and in consideration wereof the said master hereby covenants with the said apprentice that during the said term hear the master his executors administrators and assigns will and shall use all proper means to teach the said apprentice or have caused him to be taught the business of a seaman and provide the said apprentice with sufficient meat drink lodging washing medicine and medical and surgical assistance and pay to the said apprentice the sum of £45.00 in manner following (that is to say) £8.00 for the first year £10.00 for the second year £12.00 for the third year and £15.00 for the fourth year the said apprentice providing for himself all sea bedding wearing apparel and necessities (except such as are herein before specifically agreed to be provided by the said master) and it is hereby agreed that if at any time during the said term the said master his executors administrators or assigns provide any necessary apparel or sea bedding for the said apprentice he may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him from the sums agreed to be paid to the said apprentice aforesaid and for the performance of the agreements herein contained each of them the said Andrew Blair and Peter James Hughes both hereby bind themselves and their Heirs executors and administrators unto the other of them his and their executives and administrators in the and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said apprentice herein contained the said John Blair as surety doth hereby bind himself has heirs executors and administrators unto to the said Peter James Hughes his executors and administrators the penal sum of £20.00 provided that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any justice or justices of the peace of may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been herein contained - In witness whence of the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year above written Signed and sealed and delivered By the said (signed) Andrew Blair In the presence of (signed) G. Collection of Customs Dunedin And by the said (signed) John Blair In the presence of Collector of Customs Dunedin NZ (signed) CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin (Signature) Andrew Blair - Apprentice (Signature) John Blair - Surety (Signed) P.J. Hughes Signed and sealed and delivered by the said Peter James Hughes in the presence of GW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin. Registered at the Port of Dunedin this 14th day of January 1889 (signed) CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs.
I Henry Guthrie of Dunedin ship owner the registered owner of the Barque Laira hereby certify that Peter James Hughes the captain mentioned in the foregoing duplicate articles and who was my servant was killed on or about the first day of September 1892 and I also certify that Andrew Blair the apprentice mentioned in the said articles of indenture has served themselves for the full period of four years and that he has Bona fide served the period of apprenticeship fixed by a such articles and that he leaves the said a vessel with my full consent and approval.As witness my hand this sixth day of one thousand eight hundred and ninety three.Henry Guthrie CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs
I Gordon MacKinnon the master of the Barque Laina hereby certify that the within named Andrew Blair duly completed the before written apprentice indenture under me.
As witness my hand this sixth day of June 1893
Witness (Signed) CW Chamberlain(Signed) Gordon MacKinnon
Last page (outside back of folded paper opposite the front page once folded)
Copy of the apprentice indentureAndrew Blair and Peter James Hughes
Dated 14 January 1889 for four years
Registered same day CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin
Apprentice indenture
Dated 14 January, 1889
for four years
(page one)
Copy of apprenticeship indenture.
This indenture made the 14th day of January 1889 between Andrew Blair aged sixteen years a native of New Zealand now residing at Dunedin New Zealand of the first part and Peter James Hughes of Dunedin New Zealand Captain of the second part and John Blair schoolmaster of Otago New Zealand of the third part witnesses that the said Andrew Blair hereby voluntarily binds himself apprentice with the said Peter James Hughes the executors administrator and assigns for the term of four years from that date hereof for and the said apprentice hereby covenants that during such time the said apprentice will faithfully serve his said master his executors administrators and assigns and obey his lawful commands and keep his secrets and will when required give to him true account of his goods and money which may be committed to the charge or come into the hands of the said apprentice and will in case the said apprentice enters her majesty's service during the said term duly account for and pay or cause to be paid to his said master his executives administrators or ASSIGNS all such wages prize money and other moneys as may become payable to said apprentice for such services and that the said apprentice will not during the said term do any damage to his said master his executors or administrators or assigns nor will he consent to any such damage being done by others but will if possible prevent the same and give warning thereof and will not endanger(sp?) or caste the goods of his master is executors or administrators or assigns nor give all the end of the same to others without his licence nor absent himself from his service without leave nor frequent taverns or ale houses unless upon his business nor play at unlawful games and in consideration wereof the said master hereby covenants with the said apprentice that during the said term hear the master his executors administrators and assigns will and shall use all proper means to teach the said apprentice or have caused him to be taught the business of a seaman and provide the said apprentice with sufficient meat drink lodging washing medicine and medical and surgical assistance and pay to the said apprentice the sum of £45.00 in manner following (that is to say) £8.00 for the first year £10.00 for the second year £12.00 for the third year and £15.00 for the fourth year the said apprentice providing for himself all sea bedding wearing apparel and necessities (except such as are herein before specifically agreed to be provided by the said master) and it is hereby agreed that if at any time during the said term the said master his executors administrators or assigns provide any necessary apparel or sea bedding for the said apprentice he may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him from the sums agreed to be paid to the said apprentice aforesaid and for the performance of the agreements herein contained each of them the said Andrew Blair and Peter James Hughes both hereby bind themselves and their Heirs executors and administrators unto the other of them his and their executives and administrators in the and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said apprentice herein contained the said John Blair as surety doth hereby bind himself has heirs executors and administrators unto to the said Peter James Hughes his executors and administrators the penal sum of £20.00 provided that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any justice or justices of the peace of may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been herein contained - In witness whence of the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year above written Signed and sealed and delivered By the said (signed) Andrew Blair In the presence of (signed) G. Collection of Customs Dunedin And by the said (signed) John Blair In the presence of Collector of Customs Dunedin NZ (signed) CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin (Signature) Andrew Blair - Apprentice (Signature) John Blair - Surety (Signed) P.J. Hughes Signed and sealed and delivered by the said Peter James Hughes in the presence of GW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin. Registered at the Port of Dunedin this 14th day of January 1889 (signed) CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs.
I Henry Guthrie of Dunedin ship owner the registered owner of the Barque Laira hereby certify that Peter James Hughes the captain mentioned in the foregoing duplicate articles and who was my servant was killed on or about the first day of September 1892 and I also certify that Andrew Blair the apprentice mentioned in the said articles of indenture has served themselves for the full period of four years and that he has Bona fide served the period of apprenticeship fixed by a such articles and that he leaves the said a vessel with my full consent and approval.As witness my hand this sixth day of one thousand eight hundred and ninety three.Henry Guthrie CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs
I Gordon MacKinnon the master of the Barque Laina hereby certify that the within named Andrew Blair duly completed the before written apprentice indenture under me.
As witness my hand this sixth day of June 1893
Witness (Signed) CW Chamberlain(Signed) Gordon MacKinnon
Last page (outside back of folded paper opposite the front page once folded)
Copy of the apprentice indentureAndrew Blair and Peter James Hughes
Dated 14 January 1889 for four years
Registered same day CW Chamberlain Collector of Customs Dunedin
Relates To
Covenant of Indenture 1889. Pae Korokī, accessed 18/02/2025, https://paekoroki.tauranga.govt.nz/nodes/view/49125