Julie Paama-Pengelly: Artist and Director of Art Body (2013)
SummaryMount Maunganui's Julie Paama-Pengelly describes herself as a painter, print-maker and graphic designer who works toward negotiating new contemporary contexts for Maori art practices and art politic. Main Body
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga te Moana
Ko Matakana te Moutere
Ko Ngāi te rangi te iwi,
Ngāi tūwhiwhia te hapū.
Her art practice ranges from the use of symbolic imagery to pure abstraction in graphic design, painting, mixed media and tattooing.
Julie has spent twenty years teaching Fine art and design to the tertiary level while providing social commentary and leadership through art authorship, exhibition curatorial and New Zealand art acquisition guidance.
Julie opened the Creative Studio Art + Body in Mount Maunganui in September 2012.
She says, "I wanted to encourage a new perspective on the relationship between the Body and Art".
"I offer a range of my own practices from the studio: Ta moko (Māori tattoo), and tattoo, henna tattoo and body painting services.
Moko tuara (spine tattoo) representing personal whakapapa and symbolism related to the Rātana Movement and the recipient's Tupuna Whare.
The premises of Art + Body is conceptualised as a bus. Why a bus?
Julie explains,"I wanted the studio to suggest the nature of things moving forward with change and capture the elation of embarking on a journey, of being ‘transported’.
"Importantly the inscription ‘wear your journey’ painted on the front of the 'bus' suggests the value of art to personal self-expression and to memorialising moments in history.
"Art + Body also includes a collective of operators that provide nail and makeup art and beauty services as well as massage with a Haumiri (Māori massage) offering".
Art + Body has a New Zealand and indigenous focused exhibition space presenting edgy painting, printmaking and contemporary jewellery and a shop that supports unique New Zealand body product. As Director Julie provides consultancy advice on purchasing New Zealand and Pacific Art for the purpose of Personal and Public Collections and also offers a range of art workshops.
Julie holds Masters qualifications in Māori Visual Arts (painting), and in Third World Development and is currently completing a Ph D in Fine Arts with a Ta Moko portfolio.
A thought provoking artwork by Julie Paana-Pengelly xxxxxxx
"My most recent series of hand-painted prints consider the ambiguous nature of cultural exchange with the realisation that very few ideas can be considered new".
"Not without political commentary however, ‘He aha te kai o te rangatira’ utilises the popular ‘Oreo’ brand cookie to symbolise global consumption with the supplanting of customary cultural norms, such as the Māori language (te reo), and the potentially detrimental impact on cultural values by tobacco and processed foods".
Exhibitions & Commissions
Designer: ‘Magics Netball Uniform Brand’ Bay of Plenty, 2012
Group exhibition: ‘Moko Village’ Te Papa Tongarewa, 18-20 June 2010
Artist in Residence: Northwest School of Art, San Antonio, Texas, February 2008
Group exhibition: ‘Ticked Off’ Iwi Art, Wellington, December 2009
Designer: ‘New Zealand Olympic Fern’ Winter Olympics, Vancouver, 2009
Invited Exhibitor: ‘Māori Market’ Te Rauparaha Centre Porirua, 10-12 October 2009
‘The Anatomy of... International Printmakers’ Purdue University, Aug 24 - Sept 2, 2009.
NZ Delegate: ‘10th South Pacific Arts Festival’, Pago Pago American Samoa, July-Aug, 2008
Artist in Residence: Northwest School of Art, San Antonio, Texas, February 2008
Invited exhibitor: ‘Molly Morpeth 2D Awards’ Memorial Hall Whakatāne, January 2007
Invited exhibitor: ‘Tattoonesia Pacific Festival’, Tahiti, November, 2006
Group Exhibition: ‘Tau-Marumaru’ Harris Fine Arts Center BYU, Utah USA 2005
Solo Exhibition: ‘Broke’ AM Gallery, New Plymouth 2005
NZ Delegate: ‘9th South Pacific Arts Festival’ Belau, July 2004
Invited exhibitor: ‘Ta Moko – A History on Skin’ NZ Int. Arts Festival, Te Papa Wgton. 2004
Solo Exhibition: ‘Mookoo’ Manawatū Art Gallery, Palmerston North 2002
Recipient: ‘Toi Iho - Māori Made Mark’ Ta Moko, Graphics, Painting, Digital, Te Waka Toi
NZ Delegate: ‘7th South Pacific Arts Festival’ Western Samoa, August 1996
Critical Practice
Published Biography: ‘The Polyneisan Tattoo Today’ Hawaii, 2010
Author: ‘Māori Art and Design’ New Holland Press, Auckland, May 2010
Keynote: ‘Articulating Art’, Symposium to Celebrate Matariki, 23 June 2010
Curator: ‘Roundabout: 108 Artists, Wellington, Israel, 2007-2010
Curator: ‘Navigating the Now’ Whakatāne Museum & Gallery, 26 June-Aug 8 2010
Paper presentation: ‘New Art Paradigms’ WIPCE, Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2008
Paper presentation: ‘Artist as Provocateur’ Toi Awhio Conference, Palmerston North, 2008
Keynote: Northwest School of Art, San Antonio, Texas, February 2008
Published Biography: ‘Taiawhio II’, Te Papa Press, Wellington, July 2007
Keynote Speaker: ‘David M Kennedy Centre’ BYU, Utah USA Sep 2005
Curator: ‘Tau-Marumaru’ Harris Fine Arts Center BYU, Utah USA 2005
Keynote speaker: ‘Toi Iho Quality Brand’ Lianza Library Conference, Auckland Sept 2004
Writer: ‘A History on Skin – The Art of Ta Moko’ Toi Māori Aotearoa, March, 2002
Monthly Arts columnist: ‘Tu Mai Magazine’, Hamilton, 1999-2002
Curator: ‘Ta Moko is NOT Tattoo’ interactive CD Rom Artpix 3 Houston, USA, 2001
Curator: ‘Nga Korero Aoteatea – Fifty Māori Artists, Dowse Art Museum, Wellington 1999
Academic Teaching
Senior Lecturer: Graduate School Indigenous Studies, Visual Arts; TWWOA, 2007-2008
Head of Faculty: Arts and Visual Culture, TWWOA, 2004-2007
Lecturer: Degree of Visual Arts, Western Institute of Technology, Taranaki, 2002-2003
Programme Coordinator: Bachelor of Design, Massey University, 2000-01
Lecturer: Bachelor of Design Massey University, Wellington 1996-1999
Art + Body 229A Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui 3116
t: 07 213 2213 m: 021 331 072 e: creative@artbody.co.nz
by Pete Morris (July 2013).
AcknowledgementTe Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries
Personal Information
First Name(s)Julie SurnamePaama-Pengelly
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AuthorPete MorrisArchived Kete Linkhttps://perma.cc/M4V2-QBGJType of ContributionCommunity story
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Pete Morris, Julie Paama-Pengelly: Artist and Director of Art + Body (2013). Pae Korokī, accessed 07/02/2025, https://paekoroki.tauranga.govt.nz/nodes/view/6251