Major Keith Hamilton Hume (1912-1995)
In 2013 Roly sent to Tauranga Library, for its then "Tauranga Memories" site, a few photos of his uncle, Keith Hume and a letter read out at Keith's funeral by an old soldier friend. Roly's email to Tauranga Memories read...
"These photos and reading are of my Dad's younger brother Keith who you will remember sent the "coded" telegram to Dad informing him of their youngest brother Jock's death in Crete... I will send you a copy of a letter from a mate of his to "Hec" whom I guess was the old soldier giving the reading at Keith's funeral to help him in preparing his notes. Out of the photos the one I have always liked is the one taken of Keith in Syria. Keith was in many war theatres from Nov.1941 to Feb.1944, and I still remember as a young boy being in awe of the shrapnel wound he received in the crossing of the Sangro river." Ian Hume, a nephew of Keith (emailing Roly) recalled seeing a wound on Keith's upper leg once when he was "in his togs doing somersaults down those sand-dunes on the other side of Raglan harbour". "He was always so much fun, with us kids" writes Ian, "I always remember the excitement at home, when Mum & Dad told us Heather & Keith were coming!!"
In 1995 at Major Keith Hamilton Hume's funeral, the following was read out by an old soldier.
In the Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-45 - 27 (Machine Gun) Battalion, by Robin Kay Keith is noted as being an Accountant of Wellington, Hamilton Born (December 30, 1912) who was wounded Nov 28 1943 (page 200).
In September 2016 Roly Hume was interviewed by a news outlet in New Zealand. You can view the article here: