The Wairere Track: Ancient highway of Māori and missionary
Date1975DescriptionThe history of the Wairere Track from Whakamarama over the Kaimai range via the Wairere falls to the Waikato.
1 - Foreword by C.W. Vennell
2 - The End and the Beginning
3 - Te Waharoa's Road to Tauranga
4- The Tribe that Wouldn't Surrender
5 - From Matamata to Tauranga "A Hard Walk of Fourteen Hours"
6 - Te Tuhi Track
7 - No Utu for the Pirirākau
8 - The Māori Bearers
9 - All This and Mosquitoes Too
10 - Industrial Action!
11 - By Pony from Tauranga to Matamata in 1858
12 - "A Very Great Rangatira"
13 - "How Changes Since Then N.Z."
Principal Sources
A Botanical Survey and List of Species by R.D. CreswellCreatorMatheson, Alister Hugh, 1925-2011LevelCollectionLanguageTe Reo MāoriEnglish
Kaitiakitanga StatementPlease use taonga Māori materials provided by Te Ao Mārama: Tauranga City Libraries appropriately. This includes being respectful and mindful of the creator/s, as well as the mana and dignity of people, iwi and hapū group/s, and the environmental subjects depicted in the material.CopyrightAlister Hugh MathesonAccess ConditionsNo access restrictions apply to this collection
Matheson, Alister Hugh, 1925-2011, The Wairere Track: Ancient highway of Māori and missionary (1975). Pae Korokī, accessed 09/02/2025,