Horatio Gordon Robley : soldier artist in the Bay of Plenty, 1864-1866
Date1990DescriptionA catalogue of Robley's paintings exhibited at Baycourt, Tauranga in August 1990. Includes a basic biography of Horatio Gordon Robley and history of his artworks and sketches.CreatorBellamy, Alan Charles, 1923-2004LevelCollectionLanguageEnglish
Kaitiakitanga StatementPlease use taonga Māori materials provided by Te Ao Mārama: Tauranga City Libraries appropriately. This includes being respectful and mindful of the creator/s, as well as the mana and dignity of people, iwi and hapū group/s, and the environmental subjects depicted in the material.CopyrightTauranga Historical SocietyAccess ConditionsNo access restrictions apply to this collection
Bellamy, Alan Charles, 1923-2004, Horatio Gordon Robley : soldier artist in the Bay of Plenty, 1864-1866 (1990). Pae Korokī, accessed 09/02/2025, https://paekoroki.tauranga.govt.nz/nodes/view/66667