Katikati in 1881 by Ellen McCormack
2 January 1881
The ‘Lady Jocelyn’ arrived with settlers for Te Puke [and some for Katikati too, including two cadets for Athenree.]
8 January 1881 - B.O.P. Times.
- President: George Vesey Stewart. Esq. J.P.
- Treasurer: John Killen Esq.
- Secretary: Frederick Arthur Purvis, Esq.
Managing Committee:
- Captain Hugh Stewart.
- Rev. Walter Johnston.
- Thomas J. Mulvany. Esq.
- George Hunter. Esq.
- --------Geissler. Esq.
- James Boyd. Esq.
- Andrew Wilson. Esq.
Copies of these rules may be obtained, and members enrolled at the store of Messrs Gilbert and Co, or at the office of Mr. F.A.Purvis; secretary,Wharf Street, Tauranga.
Annual Subscription…… 5 shillings
[Rules and regulations numbering 1-12 followed.]
22 January 1881 B.O.P.Times.
Our wharf so long talked about is still a thing of the future. Something should be done in this direction before the autumn comes on again, or it will be as bad as last winter, when we had to wade through mire and water to reach the steamer.
22 January 1881 B.O.P. Times.
There are now nine empty houses in Katikati to let, and several of the settlers would let a room or two to any person wishing to come up and look round Katikati.
Should any of the late arrivals wish to come and look round they will find plenty of accommodation in the shape of houses, and be able to see what has been done in five years, and gain experience that may be useful by and bye at Te Puke
Katikati, January 18, 1881.
25 January 1881 B.O.P.Times.
A gentleman in Katikati sometime ago proposed to establish a chicory manufactory in case a sufficient number of persons would agree to plant half an acre of chicory each. We are not aware that more than one or two land owners have had enterprise enough to embark in this line and hence the proposed new industry is likely to come to nothing.
We are informed however that chicory grows well on the east Coast, and its cultivation on a large scale would very probably prove remunerative. Some experiments that have been made in cultivating this plant have proved fairly successful.
12 February 1881 B.O.P.Times.
It is an old saying; we have often to go from home to hear the news of what is going on about us.
The North Otago Times says ‘Mr. Vesey Stewart of Tauranga intends making a systematic effort to establish the vine-growing industry in the Poverty Bay District.’
15 February 1881 B.O.P.Times.
To those who remember Katikati in 1875, there is indeed a change. Now, twice a week the carts from the two stores go round the whole block.
Mr. Somerville will next week make a photographing tour here, and, we know will receive considerable patronage. His charges are very moderate.
15 February 1881 B.O.P.Times.
Bee-culture is receiving favour here. Mr. Andrew Wilson and Mrs. Arthur Stuart are especially turning their attention in that direction. The white clover, and the flower of theNew Zealandflax seem especially patronised by these emblems of industry.
11 April 1881 B.O.P.Times.
We have been much pleased with seeing a really good crop of sorghum grown on the farm of Mr. Trimble. It quite bears out all that has recently been written in its favour, as the very best winter food for cattle. The need for judicious and frequent hoeing is very remarkable. Where, in one or two spots Mr. Trimble has neglected to do so, there is hardly any growth whatever.
15 June 1881
Mervyn Archdale Stewart, [son of G.V.S. and Margaret] married his cousin Phoebe Gledstanes at the home of her mother Mary Gledstanes. Canon Johnston officiated.
6 October 1881 B.O.P. Times.
Mr. Boyd assisted by Mr. Leech and Mr. John Mark, jun., have done good work in repairing the roads in the district, their labours having extended from the cutting below Mr.James Esdaile’s up to the Hikurangi gorge. In the latter place they have done especially good work in those places where the culverts have been damaged, and in levelling the landslips which occasionally occurred during the heavy rain of the past winter.
6 October 1881 B.O.P. Times.
Settlers at last have begun to pay attention to improving their breed of poultry. General Stoddard has purchased some eggs of the Langshan breed from Mr. R. C. Taylor of Buckland, the celebrated poultry fancier. I have seen the chickens, now about a week old, and was very much struck at their size and healthy appearance. Mr. Geissler has purchased a pair of fowl from the same gentleman. Mrs. Gallagher has bought most of Mr. McRobert’s pure black Spanish fowl, whose laying properties are proverbial. Perhaps, however Mr. Mulvany has outstepped his neighbours in the care and attention he has paid to this not unprofitable branch of farming. His careful management must have yielded satisfactory results. He has also gone in for bee farming on the most recent and improved principles.
19 November 1881 B.O.P.Times.
While ploughing in a paddock in Katikati the other day,
A gentleman came across a couple of curiosities in the shape of a Maori axe made of stone, and a stone covered with carving something like tatoo marks.
Both articles are now carefully treasured by the owner of the ground as relics of a race that seems to be fast disappearing.
21 November 1881 B.O.P. Times.
There is an idea mooted of holding an agricultural show here at an early date. From the appearance of certain gardens, I am sure we shall be favoured with a splendid display. I have seen nothing better than Mr. Robert Stuart’s crops. Considering the absence of all growth recently, owing to the ceaseless wind and want of rain, it is wonderful how well they are doing. His wheat has shot, hit oats look well, his onions are the finest ever seen on the block, whilst his potatoes are a very excellent crop.
24 December 1881 B.O P. Times.
The s.s. Katikati sailed forMountStewartthis morning, and will return fromMountStewarton Monday, reaching this about 8.a.m. She will afterwards leave for Opunui with the Good Templar party who have engaged her to carry the picnic party there.
[Mount Stewart was at Ongare Point]
24 December 1881 B.O.P. Times.
A gentleman arrived from Katikati yesterday informs us that he saw a field of oats there six feet high. The paddock in which the oats are growing is considered to lie in the worst part of the owner’s property. This speaks well for the capabilities of the Katikati soil.
26 December 1881
The ‘May Queen’ arrived direct to Tauranga with settlers for Te Puke.
Among the passengers were Donald and Maria Macmillan and their children Robert, Charles and Evangeline, and ladies maid Mary Ann Murray.
[The Macmillan’s moved to Katikati in 1882 and purchased ‘Castle Grace’ at Kauri Point from Fitzgibbon Louch.]