DescriptionThese Images are provided by Richard Fenn and relate to the article about his life.
Acknowledgement Richard Fenn
Jack Fenn my father owned Fenns Jewellers which was situated at number eight Wharf Street. Died December 31, 1971 aged 65
Please note:
Originally uploaded to the Tauranga Memories website (2011-2020), into the general site basket, or focus group, by Tauranga City Libraries staff (Harley Couper), on August 02, 2012.
Its original URL was: and its original license was: Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License.
Sometimes images contributed to Tauranga Memories by the community were uploaded by a library staff member. If this has resulted in your photographs being mis-attributed to a staff member, please let us know so we can correct this.The original Tauranga Memories site also sometimes collected the following (blank where empty):
First name: Jack Edward
Surname: Fenn
Place of birth: 7 Heythorpe Street
Date of birth: 1906
City: Southfields London
Year: 1965