Ngāti Hangarau Hapū Trust Chair Koro Nicholas explains Te Toka Mauri stone at Te Rere o Ōmanawa - Ōmanawa Falls site blessing
Kaitiakitanga StatementPlease use taonga Māori materials provided by Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries appropriately. This includes being respectful and mindful of the creator/s, as well as the mana and dignity of people, iwi and hapū group/s, and the environmental subjects depicted in the material.CopyrightTe Ao Mārama - Tauranga City LibrariesLicenseCC BY 4.0AcknowledgementTe Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries, Reopening of Te Rere o Ōmanawa, or, Ōmanawa Falls, 2023 (Event)
Tauranga City Libraries Staff - Harley Couper, Reopening of Te Rere o Ōmanawa, or, Ōmanawa Falls, 2023 (Event). Pae Korokī, accessed 16/02/2025,