Tauranga Aero Club 50th anniversary celebrations (Event)
Main Body
Tauranga Aero Club celebrated 50-years with an air pageant at Tauranga on Saturday 3 July 1982 and an anniversary ball at Tauranga Racecourse in the evening.
Air pageant, Tauranga Airport
Speaking to the Bay of Plenty Times ahead of the event (1982, June), Tauranga Aero Club captain, Mr R. Adamson said that Air Pacific planned to divert a BAC-111 from it's usual Auckland-Fiji route, and set up a static display at the airport, "Air New Zealand, Mount Cook Airlines and other companies approached had declined to attend on the grounds of cost."
An afternoon air show of 90 minutes plus would involve at least 25 single and twin-engined light aircraft taking part in fly-pasts and handling displays; an aerobatic display by a flight of privately owned ex-Air Force Harvard trainers; four Tiger Moths from Auckland; an agricultural aviation display of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft spreading 2 tonnes of fertiliser on the airfield.
Anniversary Ball, Tauranga Racecourse
Members of the public and former club members were all welcome.
Date of Event3 July 1982SourcesBay of Plenty Times. (1982, April 3). Aero club jubileeBay of Plenty Times. (1982, June 4). Jet will add fillip to show.
Image from the Royal New Zealand Aero Club's pageant at Tauranga Airport in 1969.
Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries Photo gcc-15846
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Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries, Tauranga Aero Club 50th anniversary celebrations (Event). Pae Korokī, accessed 18/02/2025, https://paekoroki.tauranga.govt.nz/nodes/view/109855