Date1940Reference NumberPhoto 12-313DescriptionSmall Brig. Patrick Augustine Ardagh taken in 1940. Handwritten on back: 'No 2 NZ General Hospital in Helwan with Lt-Col Pat Ardagh DSO, MC in front. Taken the day we went to see Capt Foster. Helwan. Dee 1940. ' Written with file: 'Brig Patrick Augistone Aroagh C. B. E, D. S. O, M. C. m. d. Born Ngapara, North Otago. Aug 1891. Medical Practitioner. Attested 13 Jan 1917 as Capt N. Z. M. C. attached 1st Bn Auckland Regt. Recommended for VC 2 times wounded discharged 12 Jun 1919. 2 N. Z. E. F. Aug 1940 Lt Col as O. C. Surgical Div, 3 N. Z General Hosp: Col and ADMS 2 NZ Div May 1942; Brig and DDMS 30th Corp British Army Feb 1943. Died England 6 Apr 1944. Buried Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey. Medals. C. B. E, D. S. O, M. C. , British War Medal 1914-1918, Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches, 1939-45 Star, Africa Star '8th Army', Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45 with Mention in Despatches, N. Z. War Service Medal, N. Z. Territorial Service Medal. 'See also http://muse. Auckland museum. com/databases/cenotaph/36200. detail http://nzetc. Victoria. ac. nz/tm/scholarly/name-016387. html Obituary 'LOSS TO ARMY', Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 95, 22 April 1944, Page 9FormatPrintSource of AcquisitionThe 6th Battalion (Hauraki) Regimental Association Inc. History Room Curator, Tony Fraser.
Asset Location
Roomoriginal not held
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