Date1939-1946Reference NumberPhoto 12-391DescriptionNoted with file 'C. D. Brown MM at the Pyramids. 24 BN. ' Postcard, handwritten on back: 'How is Pa? My Address Capt. C. D. Brown MM, 24th Bn. NZ F. F (?) Middle East Forces. Dear Minnie (Winnie?) & all the family. Just a card of a party of us at the Pyramids. We have been here five weeks and are all feeling very bio (?-fio). Jack Howland came to see me the day we arrived and Massey Rolfe today. Both are well and enjoying the life. Massey especially gets a great kick out of it all. Both are in the peak of condition and are good soldiers and a credit to their families. I have had several visits to Cairo which has over 1 million population. The European quarter is magnificent and has wonderful buildings and houses. The cultivation along the Nile is intense also very pretty. ??lis regards to all. Your socks have no holes yes. I have plenty. We ??? them ?????? here ? ???'FormatPrintSource of AcquisitionThe 6th Battalion (Hauraki) Regimental Association Inc. History Room Curator, Tony Fraser.
Asset Location
Roomoriginal not held
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