Liz Roris: Tauranga Mosaic Artist
CBD Edgewater Development project 1990
Tauranga City Council had advertised nationwide for the Mosaic artists to bid for the contract for the Edgewater project, when Liz and her brother Allan submitted their proposal. They were selected and completed 18 panels for this project.
Tauranga Primary School 1998
Another significant project was at the Tauranga Primary School where Liz created 37 sq mts of work consisting of more that 12,000 mosiac pieces. The project was set up in the hall and every student and some teachers at the school plus parents began under instruction from Liz to lay the mosaic pieces down.
In September 1998 within 10 weeks, 4 unemployed students and Liz produced a funky mosaic armchair that was raffled in the Greerton community. Then the students and Liz produced a triptic mosaic of the Greerton logo which was installed and unveiled in October 1998
Greerton, Chadwick Road & Cameron Road upgrade 2002
Initially the urban architect designed a specific pattern for the low rock walls in Chadwick Road. Then Liz was given free reign to design the work for remaining walls. Horses on the wall closest to race course, then working back down Cameron Road. The other designs include those of golfers, flowers, graphic designs and a rural scene of farm animals.
Outside the building now the “Heaving ass" you will find a mosaic wolf. This is a tribute to a worker who died (of natural causes) while installing the kerbing. His nickname was "Wolfie".
Bright flowers full of colour outside the "Winz" building. Lady under the umbrella (on vacation) outside the real estate shop. Moving onto the 'Upgrade' of the walkway from Chadwick Road to the flagpole there are rural scenes and flowers. There are vibrant red and orange poppies around the plaque to honour the veterans.
Pāpāmoa Library 2005
Pāpāmoa residents were invited to help make a mosaic for the outside wall of the Pāpāmoa Library and Community Centre. Liz was one of the three artists who were commissioned for the new building.
Personal Story:
Liz raised three sons after being widowed at the age of thirty. She worked in industrial sewing until her sons were teenagers. She also taught industrial sewing at the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Liz has designed, made patterns and sample sewn for an Auckland clothing company. She has won several prestigious local awards for woman’s fashion.
Liz then studied the ancient art of Mosiac construction (1994) and began mosaicing commercially. Then came the opportunity to partake in the Edgewater project (1990). Liz has had commissions from England and America. She works with designers and architects. Her work graces many homes, swimming pools, logos for business etc.
She creates mosaic using many mediums such as shells, jewellery and driftwood. Liz says her gaols are to continue to push the boundaries with mosaic art, share the knowledge with others and use this form of art work to help heal and encourage those struggling with life.
She has also completed several projects with people via Pāpāmoa community services in Hartford Avenue in Pāpāmoa. She is inspired by colour, texture, form and creating something that both challenges and inspires.