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- Two unidentifed moths
- Two unidentifed moths
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- Ophideres fullonic...
- Two unidentified b...
- Unknown moth and U...
- Danaus plexippus b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Lycaena enysii and...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Vanessa gonerilla ...
- Two unidentified b...
- Unidentified butte...
- Two unidentified m...
- Samia cecropia moth
- Chrysiridia rhiphe...
- Two unidentified m...
- Ornithoptera croesus
- Erana graminosa mo...
- Hepialus Virescens...
- Orthosia chrysota ...
- Declana floccosa a...
- Two unidentified b...
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- Unknown moth and t...
- Declana dejectaria...
- Melanchra composit...
- Two unidentified m...
- Two unidentified m...
- Wiseana signata moths
- Rhapsa scotosialis...
- Nyctemera annulata...
- Two unidentified m...
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- Two unidentified m...
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- Porina Despecta an...
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- Pluissogonus latic...
- Trichoplusia oxygr...
- Zatha peroneanella...
- Mecyna Maorialis a...
- Geometridae, Azel...
- Two unidentified m...
- Two unidentified m...
- Selidosema panagra...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified m...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two Asthena schist...
- Possibly Faunis ex...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified b...
- Two butterflies, p...
- Maruca testulalis ...
- Not yet identified
- Papilio demodocus ...
- Opodiphthera eucal...
- Melanchara Mutans ...
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- Scarabaeus sacer a...
- Curculionidae beet...
- Two grasshoppers f...
- Two grasshoppers f...
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- Membracidae ? and ...
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- Two unidentified b...
- Two unidentified i...
- Two unidentified i...
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- Unidentified marin...
- Unidentified marin...
- Unidentified marin...
- Unidentified marin...
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- A Janthina marine...
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- Alcithoe arabica m...
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Watson, Arnold Henfrey, 1882-1960, Two unidentified moths (1930-1959). Pae Korokī, accessed 17/02/2025,