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- Letter from Bernar...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Copy of letter fro...
- Letter from A. J. ...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Letter from Bernar...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Copy of letter fro...
- Letter from Gilber...
- Letter from Ida Le...
- Letter from John C...
- Draft of letter fr...
- Copy of letter fro...
- Letter from John C...
- Draft of letter fr...
- "Captain Cook's Vi...
- Letter from Leslie...
- Undated transcript...
- Undated list of di...
- Undated notes titl...
- Copy of grant of M...
- Newspaper clipping...
- Exercise book cont...
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- Correspondence and...
- Letter from Secret...
- Letter and warrant...
- Note and newspaper...
- Letter from Commis...
- Letter from Edgar ...
- Letter from Robert...
- Letter from Depart...
- Letter from Depart...
- Letter from W. M. ...
- Letter from Te Aka...
- Letter and warrant...
- Letter from Joseph...
- Letter from Joseph...
- Letter from Joseph...
- Letter from Joseph...
- Letter to Bernard ...
- Letter from Charle...
- Letter from A. G. ...
- Letter from A. G. ...
- Letter and report ...
- Letter from Joseph...
- Letter from A. G. ...
- Letter from A. G. ...
- Essays and researc...
- Material relating ...
- Journals of "The S...
- Notes on birds and...
- Correspondence and...
- Records relating t...
- Publications relat...
- Records of commerc...
- Fragments of "Resi...
- Letter from A. A. ...
- Fragment of letter...
- Letter from the ma...
- Letter from R. Ken...
- Advertisement in t...
- Letter from H. Wel...
- Letter from R. Ken...
- Letter from H. Wel...
- Letter from H. Wel...
- Letter from Franci...
- Fragment of weathe...
- Fragment of weathe...
- Fragment of weathe...
- Blank order form f...
- Fragment of order ...
- Envelope with Whit...
- Blank QSL card for...
- Completed QSL card...
- Newspaper clipping...
- Notes on Whakaari ...
- Album of photograp...
- Album of clippings...
- Photographs
- Birds Flying over ...
- Unidentified Bould...
- Unidentified Shore...
- Unidentified Hill
- Two Shags on Nest
- Shags on Nest
- Unidentified Beach
- Shags on Nest
- Terns on Beach
- Unidentified Beach
- Shags on Nest
- Unidentified Headland
- Shags and Nests
- Two Shags on Nest
- Unidentified Hill
- Man on Rocks
- Unidentified Headland
- Unidentified Headland
- Unidentified Coast...
- Whitianga
- Unidentified Bay
- Unidentified Settl...
- Large Tree
- Unidentified Coast...
- Manuscript Page, S...
- Manuscript Page, B...
- Manuscript Page, B...
- Envelope, Coastal ...
- Note, Mercury Isla...
- Envelope, Mayor, A...
- Envelope, Waimana ...
- Cape Foulwind, Wes...
- Cape Maria van Die...
- West End, Ohope
- Pancake Rocks, Pun...
- Whakatāne
- Ohope Beach
- Karewa island
- Karewa island
- Bird and Tuatara i...
- Karewa island
- Tuatara on Rock
- Tuatara and Bird, ...
- Tuatara in Burrow
- Tuatara on Rock
- Bird in Burrow
- White Tern on Branch
- Red-billed Gull on...
- Ketch Waterlily, D...
- Unidentified Lake
- Red-billed Gulls, ...
- Red-billed Gulls, ...
- Red-billed Gulls, ...
- Terns
- Terns
- Unidentified Headland
- Nest among Boulders
- Korapuki from Ahua...
- Young Bird on Rock
- Red-billed Gulls, ...
- Pied Shags, Rurima...
- Red-billed Gulls, ...
- Cliffs, Motunau
- Gannet Colony, Rur...
- Terns, Motunau
- Bird and Tuatara
- Little Penguin Chick
- Korimako (Bellbird...
- Omapu Bay, Tūhua
- Rock Arch, Tūhua
- Columnar Basalts, ...
- Columnar Basalts, ...
- Opo Bay, Tūhua
- Rock Stacks, Motunau
- South Wall, Crater...
- Te Puia o Whakaari...
- Crater, Te Puia o ...
- Gannets, Otaketake...
- Te Puia o Whakaari...
- Blow Hole, Crater,...
- Gannets, Ohauora, ...
- Unidentified Hillside
- Korapuki from Ahua...
- Aldermen Islands
- Birds and Shoreline
- Ocean View with Se...
- Korapuki from Ahua...
- Launch and Cliffs,...
- Unidentified Coast...
- Tree Trunk
- Man and Tractor
- Unidentified Coast...
- Karewa island
- Eggs in Nest
- Korapuki Island
- Unidentified Bay
- Korapuki from Ahua...
- Plants, Karewa island
- Unidentified Coast...
- Cattle, Ahuahu (Ah...
- Chicks in Nest
- Peach Grove, Ahuah...
- Eggs in Nest
- Unidentified Islands
- Coastline at Sunset
- Tuatara on Rock
- Three Shags on Rocks
- Koiwi (human remains)
- Rocky Area
- Petrel Burrow
- Cattle, Ahuahu (Ah...
- Tuatara on Bank
- Shags on Rocks
- Shag on Branch
- Biplane
- Seabirds
- Opo Bay, Tūhua
- Ahuahu (Ahuahu (Gr...
- Ahuahu (Ahuahu (Gr...
- Lake Te Paritu, Tūhua
- Gannet Colony
- Moutohora (Whale I...
- Unidentified Coast...
- Unidentified Coast...
- Rocky Coastline
- Ship and Coastline
- Unidentified Island
- Yacht and Wharf
- Petrel Burrow
- Unidentified Man w...
- Wreck of SS Manaia...
- Hay Barn
- Three Shags on Bra...
- Chicks on Ground
- Egg in Nest
- Birds in Nest
- Birds in Nest
- Birds in Nest
- Mr Sladden's Rose ...
- Mr Sladden's Rose ...
- Rock Arch, Tūhua
- Huts, Tūhua
- Unidentified Island
- Unidentified Island
- Unidentified Island
- Unidentified Ship
- Unidentified Saili...
- Ships and Kayaks
- Ships and Kayaks
- Biplane
- Japanese Torii (Gate)
- Unidentified Saili...
- Unidentified Island
- Antarctic Expediti...
- R.A. Falla
- Farm and Homestead...
- Launch "The Severn...
- Slipper Island
- Man and Launch
- Bird Sculpture in ...
- Ship in Bay
- Hay Barn
- Cattle in Pasture
- Whakatāne from the...
- Cattle in Pasture
- Launch "The Severn...
- Shags on Branches
- Launch "The Severn...
- Wreck of SS Manaia...
- Unidentified Wharenui
- Entrance to Manawa...
- Crater, Te Puia o ...
- Te Awapuia Bay, Te...
- Blowhole, Te Puia ...
- Eastern Aspect, T...
- Coastal Scene, Ald...
- Wreck of SS Manaia...
- Homestead
- Farm Buildings, Wa...
- Koiwi (human remai...
- Rocky Island
- Homestead
- Launch and Cliffs
- Launch and Cliffs,...
- North Light, Mauao
- Seagulls and Islands
- Launches in Bay
- Man and Tree
- Coastal Scene
- Coastal Scene
- Launches in Bay
- Coastal Scene
- Coastal Scene
- Unidentified Island
- Rural Scene
- Coastal Scene
- Coastal Scene
- Coastal Scene
- Cheese Factory, Wa...
- Cattle, Waimana
- Woman and Children...
- Farm, Waimana
- Farm Building, Wai...
- Threshing, Waimana
- Farm Buildings, Wa...
- Harvesting Corn, W...
- Horse Teams, Waimana
- Cattle, Waimana
- Discovery, Ross Se...
- Rural Scene
- Tuatara on Branch
- Mining Settlement
- Mining Settlement
- Unidentified Homes...
- Maunganui, Chatham...
- Mount Ruapehu
- Port Ahuriri, Napier
- Steamship, Picton ...
- Coastal Scene
- Tuatara on Bank
- Tuatara on Rock
- Tuatara on Rock
- Rocky Islands
- Seagulls over Water
- Gannet Colony, Te ...
- Men and Boat
- Tuatara, Karewa is...
- Chick in Nest
- Tree, Tūhua
- Gannets with Chicks
- Eggs in Nest
- Koiwi (human remai...
- Seagulls on Rock
- Hongiora, Aldermen...
- Birds on Water
- Shags on Rocks
- Seagulls on Ground
- Shag in Nest, Kohi...
- Gannets, Te Puia o...
- Coastline, Alderme...
- Gannet Colony, Te ...
- Rocky Headland
- Bird on Rocks
- Eggs in Nest
- Chick in Nest
- Gannets on Beach
- Rock Pillar, Te Pu...
- Ponga
- Lake Paritu, Tūhua
- Tuatara
- Karewa island
- Gannets, Te Puia o...
- Rock Arch, Motunau
- Gannets, Te Puia o...
- Chick, Karewa island
- Unidentified Bay
- Seagulls and Terns
- Otehei Bay, Urupuk...
- Rocky Bay, Leigh
- Rocky Coastline
- Rocky Coastline
- Rock Stacks, Tūhua
- Terns, Karewa island
- Chicks in Nest, Ka...
- Unidentified coast...
- Boat and Rocky Sho...
- Petrel, Karewa island
- Forested Headland
- Reef Herons, Karew...
- Reef Heron, Karewa...
- Crater, Te Puia o ...
- Seagulls and terns
- Te Titoki Point, T...
- Te Titoki Point, T...
- Kererū in Tree
- Mt Hauturu, Te Hau...
- Wrecked Boat, Te H...
- Whangamata Harbour
- Tuatara in Forest,...
- Forest, Karewa island
- Fumarole, Te Puia ...
- Crater, Te Puia o ...
- R.A. Falla
- Thames looking dow...
- Unidentified River
- Opo Bay, Tūhua
- Gulls and Petrels,...
- Turanganui, Tūhua
- Sea Cave, Tūhua
- Sea Cave, Tūhua
- Opo Bay, Tūhua
- Whatipu Point, Tūhua
- Crater, Te Puia o ...
- Launch, Ahuahu (Ah...
- Oira (North West B...
- Unidentified farms...
- Unidentified farms...
- Shags on branches
- Lake Paritu, Tūhua
- Sladden's launch
- Tuatara on rock
- Gannet chicks
- Te Awapuia Bay, Te...
- Karewa island
- Opo Bay, Tūhua
- Whare, Tūhua
- Shags on branches
- Shags on branch
- Shags on branch
- Terns on boulder b...
- Coastal scene with...
- Beach and cliffs
- Shags at nest
- Terns on boulder b...
- Shags on branch
- Shags on branch
- Beach and cliffs
- Coastal scene with...
- Beach and cliffs
- Boulder beach
- Shags on branches
- Shags on branches
- Terns on boulder b...
- Shags at nest
- Shags on branches
- Coastal plants (cl...
- Coastal scene with...
- Shags at nest
- Shags on branches
- Shags on branch
- Coastal scene with...
- Shag in nest
- Seagulls and terns
- Bernard Sladden an...
- Magic lantern
Letter and warrant from the under secretary of Department of Internal Affairs to Bernard Sladden, 22 Dec 1926
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Department of Internal Affairs, Letter and warrant from the under secretary of Department of Internal Affairs to Bernard Sladden, 22 Dec 1926 (22 Dec 1926). Pae Korokī, accessed 15/02/2025,